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Readable Notes

Studies in Ephesians

6/24/2018 - Ephesians #1 - Ministry Calling; Sanctification: True and false ministerial callings; what is "sanctification";  spiritual blessings and "election unto holiness".  There is only one set of notes, but two audio files. 

Audible Lessons

00:00 / 26:21
00:00 / 24:49

1/26/2020 - Ephesians #2 - The Trinity in Our Salvation: Eph. 1 is a treasure trove of theological truths, and it shows the activity of all three persons of the Godhead in bringing us to salvation, from our  election before the foundations of the world, to our eternal home with Christ. Also contains one of Paul's classic prayers for the church.

00:00 / 28:35

2/9/2020 - Ephesians #3 - the Christian, Before and After: Contrasting what we were before and after becoming Christians

2/16/2020 - Ephesians #4 - the Mystery of Christ: discusses the mystery of Jews and Gentiles being united as fellow citizens of the kingdom; also how the church reveals the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. 

00:00 / 29:14
00:00 / 29:17

2/23/2020 - Ephesians #5 - Unity in the Church: Looking at 3:20 - 4:6. How God is glorified by doing through us "abundantly above all that we ask or think"; walking worthy of our vocation; how to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; the unity of the church – we have “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” 

00:00 / 28:55

3/8/2020 - Ephesians #6 - Diversity of Ministry Callings in the Church: Christ's gifts to the church include ministry gifts - specifically, the 5 "office" ministries of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. What are they?

00:00 / 29:57

3/29/2020 - Ephesians #7 - Ministry Callings and Ordination: What are ministerial callings and how are they recognized? What is meant by "ordination"? How are these things applied in non-denominational settings?

00:00 / 29:41

4/5/2020 - Ephesians #8 - The Purpose of Five-Fold Ministries: What is the difference between the functions and the purpose of the ministries of Eph. 4:11? What are the real and practical goals of Christianity in the here-and-now, especially at the local level?

00:00 / 32:31

4/12/2020 - Ministry Qualifications and Evidence: What are the qualifications for the ministries of Eph. 4:11? These are goal-worthy traits for all Christians.

00:00 / 21:57

4/19/2020 - Ephesians #9 - Women in Ministry; Putting Off the Old Man:  As an aside from the last few teachings, what are the proper roles of women in ministry?  Then from chapters 4 and 5, "putting off the old man" and "putting on the new man" - what does it mean to walk in the light?

00:00 / 33:50
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