Readable Notes
Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah
11/21/2021 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #1: An introduction to the topic; prophecies about the birth of the messiah
11/28/2021 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #2: Prophecies of the BRANCH of the LORD.
12/12/2021 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #3: the Earthly Ministry of the Messiah (40:3-5 and 61:1-3)
12/26/2021 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #4: the Earthly Ministry of the Messiah, continued (52:7, 29:18-19. 35:4-6, 42:1-7)
1/9/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #5: The Work and Sufferings of the Messiah (49:14-16, 50:6-7, 52:13-15 and 25:7-9)
1/16/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #6: The Suffering Servant Prophecy of Isaiah 53
1/30/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #7: The Messiah as Covenant and Shepherd
2/13/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #8: The Messiah as the Servant of the LORD
2/20/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #9: The Messiah as the Arm of the LORD
2/27/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #10: The Messiah as the Light of the Gentiles
3/13/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #11: The Messiah as the King of Israel
3/20/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #12: Christ the Redeemer
3/27/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #13: Christ the Stone (chief corner stone; stone of stumbling)
4/10/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #14: The Holy One of Israel
4/17/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #15: The Day of the LORD
4/17/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #16: The Millennial Reign of Christ
5/8/2022 - Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah #17: Conclusion/Summary
Audible Lessons