These readings are from the various books of humorous short stories written by the late Patrick McManus. Our family and friends have gotten very much pleasure from these books, and I would recommend you build a "library" of his books.
(Newer readings are at the bottom)
A Fine and Pleasant Misery
'Twas a Dark and Dreary Night
The Backyard Safari
The Two-Wheeled ATV
Theory and Application of Old Men
Shooting the Chick-a-Nout Narrows
The B'ar
Muldoon in Love
The Skunk Ladder
Not Long for This Whirl
Trailer Trials
Throwing Stuff
Mean Tents
The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw
The Tin Horn
Scritch's Creek
Ah! Sweet Poverty
Blood Sausage
The Clown
The Fly
Controlling My Life
Social Skills
Pouring My Own
Silent But Deadly
Splitting Infinitives
The Worry Box
Rancid Crabtree and the Demon Bat
If You Don't Mind, I'll Do It Myself
Tenner Shoes
Big Ben
Mountain Men
Mrs. Peabody II
Faint Heart
The Green Box
The Education of a Sportsman
Cold Fish
The Rifle
The Bush Pilots
Crash Dive!
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink
The Christmas Hatchet
The Swamp
The Piano Lesson
Poof - No Eyebrows
The Night Grandma Shot Shorty
Phantom of the Woods
A Good Deed Goes Wrong
A Good Night's Sleep
Cry Wolf
The Big Fix
First Knife
How I Got This Way, 1A
How I Got This Way, 1B
400 Pound Pumpkin
The Big Trip
The Outfit
Kid Camping
A Dog for All Seasons
Further Teachings of Rancid Crabtree